One image per page is the best way to help children learn their vocabulary, recent study finds
Teaching children is one of the most difficult tasks in the world. This is primarily because of the short attention span that children have. You can never get them to read a book that has only words and no pictures. But recent research points to the fact that even having multiple pictures on a page can negatively affect children’s attention span.
Images have often been used to develop the learning process of children. Many children’s book publishers heavily use imagery to make their books more interesting for children. It is generally noticed that children want to read books that have images in them.
However, a study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University has proven that having multiple images does not help children read better. Rather, it distracts them from the content and they end up learning less. As per the research, the key to retaining a child’s attention is limiting the number of pictures on every page to one along with various other factors.
However, a study conducted by Carnegie Mellon University has proven that having multiple images does not help children read better. Rather, it distracts them from the content, and they end up learning less. As per the research, the key to retaining a child’s attention is limiting the number of pictures on every page to one along with various other factors.
Why Does This Happen?
When a book has colorful pictures that depict the characters and context of the story, it helps children get a better grasp of the material. However, this does not necessarily mean that they are learning more words or that any and every placement of images and words works equally for children.
The research material published by Carnegie Mellon University mentioned two different studies. First, 60 first and second-grade children were shown storybooks that contained only one image per page, and then they were read a different one with two images per page. The findings showed that the children who read from the former storybook learned more words in the process.
Going deeper into the research, it even showed that children who read from a storybook with one image per page learned almost twice the number of words as compared to the ones who read from a book with two images per page. The use of certain hand movements to guide them from one image to another also helped them focus and learn better.
Psychologists have pointed to the fact that having too many images can take the child’s mind away from the words, thereby allowing them to actually learn less. Furthermore, this can also disrupt their focus on the key aspects of the story.
So, it is quite clear that having more than one image per page will not help a child learn the accompanying information better. As per this research, the children’s learning capabilities were also better if the book was read to them with certain hand movements that guided them from the image to the words.
What Does This Mean?
Using images to help ease the learning process for children has always been the norm in the education industry at large. However, this study can have far-reaching effects and completely change the way we create children’s reading material.
The researchers tracked the eye movement of the children reading the different storybooks to understand when their gaze shifted. The data they have developed is now being used to create the most perfect reading process for children. Some of the researchers pointed towards a single page having an image followed by a page with only words is also a suitable format rather than multiple images.
These research findings will definitely be used in primary school education formulation. There also exist many storybooks and learning guides for children that only use one image per page. This scientific method clearly helps children develop their vocabulary in a faster and better way. Learning Dino is a great example of such learning material for children that carefully balances the use of texts and images to create the best possible learning curve for young ones.
Why Children’s Education Needs An Overhaul
Children’s education has mostly followed traditional means and routes for the past half-century. However, children in today’s globalized age are developing very differently than how they used to. So, the means through which they are being taught must also be updated.
From curriculum creation to using different cognitive development exercises, a new method of developing the children of the current generation needs to be focused on. Teachers in primary schools have often expressed their difficulties in teaching children. An overhaul of the learning process will help mitigate most of these problems.
This study is a great example of how sticking to methods that worked in the past does not always work in the present. While it was widely accepted to use multiple images for children’s books, now it will soon become the industry standard to use only one image per page. Similarly, other changes should also come into effect based on the various research being done in the children’s development sector.
Learning dino Aims to Make a Difference
The General Knowledge book developed by Learning Dino ensures that there is only one image per page along with the necessary information. This is the most efficient way of teaching children since multiple images can be jarring for a developing brain, and they will end up concentrating only on the images and not retaining the necessary information.
The research mentioned above goes in-depth to explain the reasons why multiple images on a single page can be harmful towards children’s learning process. There is no doubt as to why this change should be implemented across the board. But, you don’t have to search for such a product, as we at Learning Dino have developed a comprehensive GK book.
In the end, it must be ensured that children learn better and in the most effective way possible. This may often lead to certain industry-wide changes, but they are necessary to keep up with the needs of the time.