How to Play Fun Draw : A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking for a fun, creative activity that the whole family can enjoy? Look no further than Learning Dino's Fun Draw game! Designed for kids, this interactive drawing game is not only a blast to play but also helps develop creativity and teamwork. With simple rules and lots of laughter, Fun Draw is the perfect way to spend quality time together. Let’s dive into how you can play this exciting game and bring out the artist in everyone! 

How to Play Fun Draw: 


  • Shuffle and Stack: Shuffle the deck of Fun Draw cards and place them face down in the center. 

  • Get Your Tools: Use the green card and marker from your kit for drawing. The cards are reusable, so you can wipe them clean after each game! 

Game Play: 

  • Pick a Card: The first player or team draws a card from the top of the deck. 

  • Check the Card: Look at the object name and image on the card privately. 

  • Draw the Object: You have 1 minute (or set time) to draw the object on the green card—no words, just pictures! 

  • Guess the Object: Other players guess what the drawing represents as you draw. They can shout out their guesses while you work. 

  • Fun Fact: After the object is guessed or time runs out, read the fun fact about the object from the card. 

  • Scoring: The player who guesses correctly earns 1 point. The player or team with the most points at the end wins! 

Game Variations: 

  • Team Play: Split into two teams. Each team takes turns drawing while their teammates guess. 

  • Timed Challenge: Use a timer for a more exciting game. 

  • Double Draw: Have two players draw the same object at the same time and see which team guesses first. 

Bonus: The cards are reusable! Keep coloring and enjoying the game over and over. 

Ready, Set, Draw! 

Fun Draw is more than just a game—it’s a creative showdown that guarantees laughter and great memories. So shuffle those cards, grab your marker, and let the fun begin!